THE NEW P-CHANTS! They are better than you... (yeah, that means you, Fannie Mae.)
Our Newbs... from left to right...
Nick Cocca! Alex Utay! Josh Goldman! Dan Silverman!
Nick Cocca had not one, not two, not three, but FOUR pet turtles. Did you?
Alex Utay got hit on by Clay Aiken after seeing Spamalot. Did you?
Josh Goldman registered to vote not only in Pennsylvania, but at his current address. Did you?
Dan Silverman lost his virginity when he was 9. Did you?
We didn't think so.
Now that we have our new guys, we can start getting ready for our fall show. We have some pretty awesome songs picked out - just you wait.
While you wait, please enjoy these pictures of the new and improved Pennchants, minus Doug Lotz. Don't worry, we put the fat people in back.