Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sitting in Auditions...

          I'm sitting in auditions. I'm a little bored. I guess I'll blog.
Last night was FPAN, pretty sexy. We accidently took some dance group's dressing room and then got kicked out and ended up in some big ass room with some other groups. We were trying to figure out what to do during the extra time we had and decided to play "Where's Bennett?" For those of you who do not know, Bennett is our music director. I took some pics so y'all can play along.


Tricky, Tricky. 

Let's make it a tad more challenging...

And then we went Sake bombing - A lot more fun than "Where's Bennett?"


daisyluver138343 said...

omg i looooved the shirtless pennchants at fpan. if only bennett got quasi-nude..

Bennett said...

There I am!!!

=shorn> said...

this. is. HILARIOUS. love you guys